Cover des Buchs Music Data Analysis

This book provides a comprehensive overview of music data analysis, from introductory material to advanced concepts.
Chapter 24 (Automatic Composition) was written by Maik Hester and Bileam Kümper.

It covers various applications including transcription and segmentation as well as chord and harmony, instrument and tempo recognition. It also discusses the implementation aspects of music data analysis such as architecture, user interface and hardware. It is ideal for use in university classes with an interest in music data analysis. It also could be used in computer science and statistics as well as musicology.

List of errata is available here.

Teaching material can be found here: Book with Exercises and Data Sets for Exercises.
To obtain the “Solutions Book” for the exercises as an instructor, please contact Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! and provide information about the intended use of the book.

C. Weihs, D. Jannach, I. Vatolkin, G. Rudolph (Editors): Music Data Analysis: Foundations and Applications
Abingdon: CRC Press, 2016. 
676 pages, 259 illustrations
ISBN 978-1-49871-956-8
price: £ 44,99